Minimalist White Rose Flower Bouquet


White rose is a great way to express “I’m thinking of you”.

Minimalist White Rose - Brown
Minimalist White Rose - Transparent

White rose x18, plenty of eucalyptus.

Measurement is similar to A2 size.

  • Free Delivery to selected KL & Selangor areas (min. spend of RM150)
  • Available for Same Day Delivery (order placed before 1pm)
  • Free Mini Message Card

Note: Eucalytus Cineria leaves might be replaced with Eucalytups Gunni leaves or Eucalyptus Parvifolio leaves or Eucalyptus Populus leaves depends on season and stock availability

All products are subject to availability. In the event of any supply difficulties or if the flowers we have received from our growers that are needed to make up your order do not meet our high quality standards, we reserve the right, at our absolute discretion, to substitute any product with an alternate product of a similar style and equivalent (or greater) value and quality.

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